Quote – Albert H. Fay, vice-president of Gold Bond Building products division of National Gypsum Company. President of the Asbestos Information Association.

The proposed regulations would also produce a loss in sales of at least $400 million because of the labeling requirements and the shut down of operations where two fibers [are] technologically unfeasible. A number of companies have already indicated that they do not believe a two-fiber standard is feasible in many operations, and that if such a standard is promulgated, they will close down those operations immediately rather than spend millions of dollars in a vain attempt to achieve the unachievable. The loss of jobs will be substantial.

President of the Asbestos Information Association, which was comprised “of the nation’s largest mines, manufacturers, and importers of asbestos and asbestos-containing products. OSHA hearings: “Standard For Exposure To Asbestos Dust, Proposed Rule Making”.

Wednesday, March 15, 1972