Quote – Philip Kirschner, president of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association. The Newark Star-Ledger.

This is why NJBIA and its member companies have been fighting passage of a paid family leave mandate in the Legislature. Despite its good intentions, the mandate would greatly impair the ability of employers to operate their businesses and meet their customers' needs. NJBIA members have sent 50,000 messages to legislators and the governor opposing it. Yet, state policymakers seem to be oblivious. We are teetering on the edge of recession, we are losing jobs, and they want to impose a huge new mandate that has been adopted by only one other state, California...What New Jersey needs now, more than ever, is to have its government leadership focus fiercely on what can be done to strengthen the state's business climate and create new jobs. Businesses are tired of elected officials who say they support a growing economy and small business, only to take actions that contradict their words, like voting for paid family leave.

Philip Kirschner, president of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association.. From the Newark Star-Ledger, “Family leave bill threatens economy”, by Philip Kirschner.

Sunday, March 16, 2008