
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2024-07-06
E.g., 2024-07-06

Ill-considered arbitrary fuel economy legislation could delay progress in conserving gasoline, extend unemployment, and restrict economic progress. It also could deny the choice of vehicles desired and needed by a large number of Americans.

Unidentified GM Spokesman, Chicago Tribune.
06/29/1975 | Full Details

The more efficient new cars won’t save a drop of gas until they’re purchased. If they don’t sell, not only energy conservation, but pollution and safety improvements will be set back.

Unidentified GM Spokesman, Chicago Tribune.
06/29/1975 | Full Details

Unless we're able to weed that crop with the short-handled hoe, we are going to have to disk the crop up. It will cost a fortune if we are stopped from using the short-handled hoe. If you ban this tool, through your hasty action, you will bankrupt California's largest industry.

Salinas Valley lettuce grower Tom Merrill’s testimony, California Industrial Safety Board (ISB) hearing.
03/27/1975 | Full Details

To many groups, the [Consumer Product Safety] Commission’s actions, to date, appear to project an anti-business bias. The Commission too frequently seems to forget that government does not have a monopoly on concern for product safety.

Nancy Nord, Chamber of Commerce, Testimony, Subcommittee on Consumer, Senate Committee on Commerce, Chamber of Commerce Presentations to Congress.
02/26/1975 | Full Details

Did you know that agents of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration can raid a place of business any time they want?

Richard Lesher, the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce Publications, 1975.
01/01/1975 | Full Details

Absent a significant technological breakthrough. . . the largest car the industry will be selling in any volume at all will probably be smaller, lighter, and less powerful than today’s compact Chevy Nova…

E.M. Estes, the president of General Motors. Oil Daily. 1975.
01/01/1975 | Full Details

Are you aware than the Consumer Product Safety Commission is capable of ruining a business through a mere editorial oversight—and it has.

Richard Lesher, Chamber of Commerce Publications, 1975
01/01/1975 | Full Details

Senator Ervin calls the CPA [Consumer Protection Agency] bill ‘the most dangerous piece of legislation ever presented to the Congress.’ He warns that the head of CPA would have ‘the most tremendous powers ever granted to any many in the history of the United States.’… And he reminds everyone that ‘government is a parasite.’

Richard Lesher, Chamber of Commerce Publications.
01/01/1975 | Full Details

It would cost us more to produce high octane, unleaded fuel; it would cost the consumer more to buy it; and it would cost the country more in terms of its overall consumption of crude oil.

Leo McReynolds, research director for Phillips. The Los Angeles Times.
12/30/1974 | Full Details

In effect, this bill would outlaw a number of engine lines and car models including most fullsize sedans and station wagons. It would restrict the industry to producing subcompact-size cars — or even smaller ones — within 5 years . . .

Alan Loofburrow, vice president of engineering at Chrysler Corp., Senate Commerce Committee
12/10/1974 | Full Details
