Universal Healthcare Quotes

Ask why Barack Obama wants to make us all wards of the state, with state health care. Is this a good moment to embrace 20th Century Socialism Lite, even if we are facing a year or two of belt tightening? Shouldn't the future be freer, with less state interference in our lives?

National Review Online
10/06/2008 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

Every liberal on the campaign trail has a plan to deliver free, socialized medicine, but no country on earth, folks, can possibly pay for every test for everybody without going bankrupt.

Rush Limbaugh
01/25/2008 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

Not from my point of view….[Clinton] want[s] to move toward mandated government medicine, socialized medicine.

Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, CNN's The Situation Room.
285412/19/2007 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

In the first place, bureaucracies never become efficient; they're never going to get rid of administrative costs; they're never going to reduce them. That's not the purpose of bureaucracies. It's to increase those things.

Rush Limbaugh.
09/17/2007 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

The last thing we need is Hillarycare. The last thing we need is socialized medicine.

Mitt Romney, ABCNews.com.
285209/16/2007 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

And the other issue is Gore, $4.6 trillion -- the single largest expansion of government in American history, from universal preschool, now, to prescriptions to health care -- it is Socialism 101.

Sean Hannity, Fox News' Hannity & Colmes.
09/25/2000 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

And if you like socialized medicine, you will love this government bureaucracy under [then-Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee] Al Gore that will actually cost seniors who get $500 a year in prescription drugs right now -- it will end up costing seniors more money and take away control from those seniors.

Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ), CNN's Crossfire.
08/28/2000 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare

A piece of the roof came off with Medicare. Now the whole structure [of American Medicine] is threatened as we knew it would be sooner or later….Some people think that people are entitled to health care as a matter of right, whether they work or not. This is just as absurd as saying that food, clothes, and shelter are a matter of right- one step further than that is a revolutionary system bordering on communism.

Dr. Edward R. Annis, former President of AMA, The New York Times, referring to Senator Edward Kennedy's push for universal healthcare.
10/14/1971 | Full Details | Law(s): Universal Healthcare