
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2024-07-02
E.g., 2024-07-02

The bill as reported jeopardizes the traditional right of self-medication and choice of remedies….The bill could very well become a handmaiden of socialized medicine.

Minority report in House of Representatives.
07/16/1951 | Full Details

[Joining unions, not] perpetuat[ing] a principal based upon the assumption that women are wards of the state [is the best way to reduce inequality]…[But gender inequality is] deeply rooted in our civilization [and what inequality cannot be dealt with through collective bargaining can only be dealt with through] evolutionary processes.

William Cushing, legislative representative of the AFL.
04/24/1951 | Full Details

[The proposal would] involve undue interference in the work relationship…interfere with efficient management, and prove disruptive to good relations between employer and employees.

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) representative Leo Teplow, Testimony, House Committee on Education and Labor.
05/18/1950 | Full Details

A Government agency proposes to: Collect the tax. Control the money. Set the rules. Determine the services. Direct doctor and patient participation. Dominate every citizen’s medical affairs.

AMA pamphlet (Your Medical Program…Compulsory-or Voluntary?) from the AMA’s public relations campaign against health care reform. 1949.
01/01/1949 | Full Details

Would socialized medicine lead to socialization of other phases of American life? Lenin thought so. He declared: 'Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the Socialist state.'

AMA pamphlet (Your Medical Program…Compulsory-or Voluntary?) from the AMA’s public relations campaign against health care reform. 1949.
01/01/1949 | Full Details

Known Communists and fellow travelers within Federal agencies are at work diligently with Federal funds in furtherance of the Moscow party line.

The conclusion of a House subcommittee investigating government propaganda for health insurance.
07/09/1947 | Full Details

In recent years the accident record in the bituminous coal industry has continued to improve. The bituminous coal industry is to be congratulated on its accomplishments to date; given the opportunity, it will make further progress. This is a matter of constant education and not one that requires arbitrary legislation.

National Coal Association Counsel, Charles Farrington. Testimony, Senate Subcommittee on Mines and Mining.
06/19/1947 | Full Details

[The bill will] Not strike at the fundamental cause of accidents, which in the main is the carelessness on the part of men, cured only by education.

National Coal Association Counsel, Charles Farrington. Testimony, Senate Subcommittee on Mines and Mining.
06/19/1947 | Full Details

If you were to force the industry to spend $300,000,000 or 50 cents on every ton they mined, you would destroy the industry.… I am sure that the committee realizes that the very life of many industries is involved in this question of industrial pollution. In the first place, industrial America, with its hundreds of billions of dollars at stake, is in fact the backbone of our American way of life.

Harry Gandy, Jr., National Coal Association, Testimony, House Committee on Public Works
06/11/1947 | Full Details

I appear before your honorable committee not in opposition to any specific bill pending before you but to express our approval of the position taken by the National Coal Association in this and preceding sessions of Congress in opposing the expansion of Federal bureaucracy over the daily lives of our people, some of whom are not cognizant of the dangers involved and the threats implied to the curtailment of their right to pursue their vocations unmolested and free from the cold hand of Federal interference.

Jesse V. Sullivan, Secretary, West Virginia Coal Association, Testimony, House Committee on Public Works.
06/11/1947 | Full Details
