
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2025-02-19
E.g., 2025-02-19

Apparently our president thinks that living in America is so wonderful that we will never leave, despite being directly attacked and held responsible for the political class’s inability to constrain its desire to buy votes with our money. He should think again.

Glendon Esnard, president of capital markets for Grubb & Ellis (a real estate and investment firm), letter to the editor, Wall Street Journal.
09/14/2010 | Full Details

This is the biggest conspiracy between the public sector, big banks and government that Americans have ever seen and you the ratepayers are going to pay the price…. This is not about a clean environment. This is not about green energy. This is about raising taxes on your energy and passing that energy rate tax onto you the ratepayer.

Steve Lonegan, director of the New Jersey chapter of Americans for Prosperity
09/13/2010 | Full Details

We are striving to expose the fact that the cap-and-trade scheme is happening right now, that it is a threat to our economic future.

Steve Lonegan, director of the New Jersey chapter of Americans for Prosperity
09/13/2010 | Full Details

Government regulation always has unintended consequences….Since it's such a big money-making proposition, I definitely mistrust the government to handle this.

Connie Bloodgood of Andover, New Jersey citizen.
09/13/2010 | Full Details

The state of New Jersey is suffering. Jobs are being lost everyday.

New Jersey Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose, sponsor of anti-RGGI legislation.
09/13/2010 | Full Details

I hate to tell you, by Washington's definitions that [Melancon]'s using, virtually everybody in this audience is the wealthy.

Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)
09/09/2010 | Full Details

Well let's get into the old class warfare again. Let's get the rich…The American people want us to stop spending and so let's just give 'em some certainty and let's extend the tax...existing tax cuts.

John McCain, Fox News.
09/05/2010 | Full Details

[Obama tax proposal is] a bullet in the head for an awful lot of people that are going to be laid off and an awful lot of people who are hoping to get their jobs back.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce economist Martin Regalia, The Hill.
08/16/2010 | Full Details

It's idiotic to think about increasing taxes at a time like this….this is going to result in the largest tax increase in U.S. history. And again, it's idiotic….But Democrats are poised now to cause this largest tax increase in U.S. history. It's a tax increase of $3.8 trillion over the next 10 years, and it will have an effect on every single American who pays an income tax. Small businesses especially will be hit hardest....

Sarah Palin, Fox News.
08/04/2010 | Full Details

'Cap & Trade' stands to cost New Jersey thousands of jobs, millions in lost wealth and vastly higher gas and electric bills. This alone is reason enough to kill RGGI.

Americans for Prosperity.
07/29/2010 | Full Details
