Clean Air

Clean Air

Air pollution has long been one of the most significant negative impacts of industrial society. Smoggy cities lead to increased asthma rates and carbon emissions currently threaten the global environment. Under the Clean Air Act, and its various amendments, the Environmental Protection Agency is empowered to regulate American industry to minimize or eliminate the dangers posed by airborne contaminants. In 1990, Congress set up a cap-and-trade program to deal with emissions that caused acid rain and ozone depletion. It is a striking success.


Clean Fuels Standard

Northeast Clean Fuels Standard = Thousands of Jobs, Billions of Dollars

August 16, 2011
Why on Earth Do We Listen to Those Who Cry Wolf?

Why on Earth Do We Listen to Those Who Cry Wolf?

July 28, 2011

Republicans Can't Name A Single "Job Killer" Regulation

January 25, 2011
US Capitol building

Darrel Issa’s Government Handover

January 05, 2011

Cry Wolf Quotes

The Chamber said that the proposed legislation would [Amending the Clean Air Act would ] vastly increase the cost and complexity [of the law by more than $20 billion a year]

Chamber of Commerce opposes the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act.
08/23/1990 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1990

But the governors of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Vermont are still in the compact, ready to impose a heavy economic burden on their citizens.

From “Ungreening Mitt Romney”, by Robert Novak.

This study leaves little doubt that a minimum of 200,000 (plus) jobs will be quickly lost, with plants closing in dozens of states. This number could easily exceed 1 million jobs-and even 2 million jobs--at the more extreme assumptions about residual risk.

The U.S. Business Roundtable, cited in NRDC Blog, 1990
01/01/1990 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1990

At its worst, the Clean Air Act speaks of the potential wholesale shutdown of industrial facilities should a state not be able to attain the standards by set dates -- 1982 and 1987. At its best, the act will require the imposition of new and expensive technology and will severely limit the location of new industry in major metropolitan areas.

Angelo Sirancusa, representing coalition of major industry. The Washington Post.
01/15/1977 | Full Details | Law(s): Clean Air Act of 1977


Backgrounders & Briefs

Good Rules: Ten Stories Of Successful Regulation

Demos looks at ten laws and rules that we take for granted.

The Secret History of Lead

This immense article is an intricately detailed history of leaded gasoline, from the industry's early cover-ups to their attempts to defeat EPA regulations.

The Removal of Lead From Gasoline: Historical and Personal Reflections

First-person historical analysis of the leaded gasoline fight.


Political Economy Research Institute is a think tank focused on a variety of subjects such as diverse financial regulation, living wages and environmental protection.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is the agency that oversees auto and highway safety regulations, auto recalls, and CAFE standards.

Blue Green Alliance is an alliance of labor and environmental organizations.

Green for All is a leading environmental oranization focused on creating green jobs for low-income communities and people of color.