
The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections.  While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same.  You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke.   Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims. 

E.g., 2024-07-02
E.g., 2024-07-02

[The bill would give the government] sweeping powers over industry [and make the secretary of labor] PROSECUTOR, JUDGE, AND JURY.

Chamber of Commerce letter to members.
02/28/1963 | Full Details

[It is a] collectivist [myth that business people] would attempt to sell unsafe food and drugs, fraudulent securities, and shoddy buildings….It is in the self-interest of every businessman to have a reputation for honest dealings and a quality product.

Alan Greenspan, writing in Ayn Rand's Objectivist newsletter.
01/01/1963 | Full Details
Law(s): | Themes: Unnecessary

[Federal control of medicine would ] anesthetize [American Medicine] the proud symbol of our competitive system.

AMA President Dr. George M. Fister.
11/27/1962 | Full Details
Law(s): Medicare | Themes: Leave it to the market

The proposal is…apparently directed against an uncooperative small minority, yet, these are the exactly the businesses that would be least likely to maintain adequate or accurate records. Thus, the privacy of the great majority of respectable businessmen is to be prejudicially invaded because of the misbehavior of a small minority….It cannot be too strongly stated that inspection of these factories as provided by this section , by outsiders, can expose to the world trade secrets….This technology is, in the truest sense, the property of its owners.

Franklin Depew, Chairman of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic section of the New York Bar Association, Testimony, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (From the June 19-22, 1962)
08/21/1962 | Full Details

It should be enough if responsible and qualified clinicians have found that the drug produces the claimed effect…FDA should not be the arbiter of such conflicting views which necessarily involve large elements of subjective opinion by qualified scientists. Otherwise, we face the serious danger to medical progress inherent in a central authority where conflicting viewpoints in medicine will be indirectly resolved, as they are under a totalitarian system, and we run the very grave risk of recasting our system in a sterile, foreign mold…

Theodore Klumpp, member of the board of directors of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PMA) and a former FDA medical director. Testimony, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce (June 19-22, 1962.)
08/20/1962 | Full Details

You can’t really blame the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, for instance, for opposing the bill, chivalrous at heart as its members may be. For in addition to the possibility of added costs, there’s this problem: It’s a rare woman, we gather, who doesn’t think she is discriminated against on payday.

From the Wall Street Journal editorial “Ladies Day in the Senate".
08/15/1962 | Full Details

[The bill] is enough to give the boss of a lot of women workers the shudders. So much so that he may stop hiring women altogether. If that happens, pretty soon women would be right back in the place some men think they never should have left.

From the Wall Street Journal editorial “Ladies Day in the Senate".
08/15/1962 | Full Details
Law(s): Equal Pay Act | Themes: Job Killer

[We stand] with those who would eliminate injustice and inequality wherever it may exist….[But] We do not wish to see Federal legislation enacted which could create greater problems and bring about greater injustices.

Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street Journal.
08/10/1962 | Full Details

[The bill would ensure] ‘Another vast Federal bureaucracy’ with an annual budget beginning at more than $1 million and the addition of 240 employees to Uncle Sam’s payroll. The organization suggests the ladies pursue their crusade through the collective bargaining process, rather than through legislation.

Chamber of Commerce quoted in the Wall Street Journal.
08/10/1962 | Full Details

It would give the Secretary of Labor vast new powers over private industry with authority to investigate complaints, conduct hearings, issue orders, regulations and interpretation, and initiate legal actions to enforce complaints. Moreover, it would project Government into the job evaluation process—a prerogative traditionally reserved to management.

Chamber of Commerce quoted in the Wall Street Journal.
08/10/1962 | Full Details
