The Cry Wolf Quote Bank chronicles the false predictions and hyperbole by opponents of these laws and protections. While the issues and specific policies change over time, the rhetoric and themes remained the same. You can search the Quote Bank for what opponents said to prevent these laws from passing. Using the drop down menus on the right their statements by issue, by specific law, by who said it and by the core themes they evoke. Elsewhere on the site, you can find articles, studies, and other material that debunks their claims.
You are right to be indignant. The fact is the system is not working right. It is not right when we have so many people without jobs... It is not right that we are throwing people out of their houses when we have so many homeless... [Our financial markets are] supposed to allocate capital, manage risks. But they misallocated capital, and they created risk. We are bearing the cost of their misdeeds. There's a system where we've socialized losses and privatized gains. That's not capitalism; that's not a market economy. That's a distorted economy, and if we continue with that... we won't succeed in creating a just economy.
That's just an excuse to create a money-making cap-and-trade scheme that'll drive up electric rates.
High energy costs, like taxes, just make New Jersey a tougher state in which to do business. This is not a partisan issue, it’s just a bad deal for New Jersey.
Over the past ten months, the RGGI Cap & Trade scheme has been exposed as nothing less than a devious and deceptive tax. This is a program that has been stained by secrecy and open to exploitation by speculators looking to profiteer on the backs of ratepayers all while driving up electricity rates and contributing to the continued exodus of jobs and industry from our state.
We remain completely committed to the idea that we have a responsibility to make the environment of our state and world better. We’re not going to do it by participating in gimmicky programs that don’t work.
RGGI drives up energy costs for consumers at a time when nobody can afford any additional taxes.
[RGGI is] nothing more than a tax on electricity, a tax on our residents and on businesses with no discernible effect on our environment.
This program is not effective in reducing greenhouse gases and is unlikely to be in the future. The whole system is not working as it was intended to work. It’s a failure.
When the San Francisco paid sick days law was first being debated I, like many other local businesses, was concerned; now I appreciate its value. It creates a better, less stressful work environment and increases employee morale.
I was concerned it would become more of a Paid Hangover Day! However, I’ve found that not only have my staff not abused the system, it’s led to us being much less likely to have the horrible “sick-outs” that restaurants are known for- where your entire staff is sick at once. Since we work in such close quarters and often eat/ drink from the same plates, we used to have times when we had so many sick staff we’d have to close. Now, people stay home when they’re ill, thus not infecting the customers OR the other staff members.