No state or nation has enhanced economic opportunities [from cap-and-trade and] Europe's cap-and-trade system has been undermined by political favoritism and accounting tricks.
The hour restrictions are so tight. There are many jobs where you can work after 9 p.m.
As reprehensible as child labor is, and as much as it ought to be abandoned — that's something that has to be done by state legislators, not by Members of Congress. This may sound harsh, but it was designed to be that way. It was designed to be a little bit harsh. Not because we like harshness for the sake of harshness, but because we like a clean division of power, so that everybody understands whose job it is to regulate what.
We have wandered too far off the path envisioned by our Founding Fathers of a government with few and defined powers. Government was supposed to be about doing only a few things; today government is about doing nearly everything. It has intruded in our business and personal lives in ways unimaginable to the wise men who gathered in Philadelphia in the sweltering summer of 1787. And to increasingly little positive benefit.
America is sinking under the crushing weight of the ever-expanding regulatory state. This burden threatens to disrupt our recovery, hamper long-term growth, undermine our global competitiveness, and suffocate the entrepreneurial spirit so vital to America's success.
One of the best things I can say, when you get the government out of micromanaging the economy -- you don't want government to set price controls, you don't want government to set wage controls. It's an archaic system that frankly has not worked.
This is the biggest conspiracy between the public sector, big banks and government that Americans have ever seen and you the ratepayers are going to pay the price…. This is not about a clean environment. This is not about green energy. This is about raising taxes on your energy and passing that energy rate tax onto you the ratepayer.
Well let's get into the old class warfare again. Let's get the rich…The American people want us to stop spending and so let's just give 'em some certainty and let's extend the tax...existing tax cuts.
We cannot legislate prosperity. When we increase minimum wages by legislative fiat, we kill jobs. Government creates nothing but what it has first taken away.
The Dodd bill would push the government into the business of dictating the terms at which consumers and businesses can contract. This has nothing to do with protecting consumers and everything to do with replacing consumer preferences with bureaucrats’ choices.